Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Class

Our first class was January 6. It was in-person at Bellevue College. I participated via an electronic conferencing link. I was initially sorry I had to miss being there in person, as there is something about seeing people and sharing. Over the internet I could hear the voices and see some faces, but there was often a delay.

As the course continued, however, I realized it was a good experience in how technology has entered our classroom. When the audio was clear, it was fine. When I couldn't hear someone's voice well, I found I would be distracted more by other things in my immediate environment.

I had a question a few times and typed them into a chat box. The response was prompt, but not as quick as when I was in person. Also, the writing, rather than typing of the question impacted the meaning. I could not embellish my meaning. (The audio was working both ways, but the feedback and noise made it more comfortable to type.)

I also found I enjoyed "listening". I could hear people and view the action, but not really be a part of it. It allowed me to be more observational and take in context more. We did introductions and that part was not as engaging as the intellectual discussions or information exchange.

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