Course Framework

Course Title: Everything you wanted to know about Colon Cancer

This Course Framework Activity provides the outline of an e-course - in terms of content, organization, assessment, and delivery. 
- Content is the information the student will learn from the course
- Organization and Assessment  is how the information will be presented to the student in an eLearning environment
- Lessons are the actual segments of the course.
- Delivery is the technology platform, tools, and access to them and the other students and teacher that will be used. 

Based on Wiggins Module of Understanding, the curriculum priorities for this course are:

Enduring Understanding:
- Why a colonoscopy is the "gold standard" in prevention and detection of colon cancer.
- An overview of how colon cancer is treated.

Important to Know:
- Causes of colon cancer, including inheritance
- Aside from colonoscopies, other ways colon cancer is detected.

Worth being familiar with
- Statistics on the prevelance of colon cancer.
- Details of surgical and onocology options used in colon cancer treatment.

General Lesson format:
- Information: Audio and reading for lesson (enduring understanding indicated)
- Activity: Posting activities by student (20 points assigned to each activity for a total of 100)
- Quiz and Feedback: Questions on information and feedback on the module will be asked. (10 points assigned to each test for a total of 50)

Grading Options
- self paced; all on-line; may be taken graded or ungraded
- for graded option
-- indicate in email to
-- 150 points total - A: 150-130; B: 130-110; C: 110-90; D: 90-80; F: below 80

Contact - issues, questions, feeback, information
- email:;  response within 48 hours
- interactive: a chat room can be set-up with 48 hours notice


Lesson 1 - Introduction to Course
- Information: Audio introduction by teacher.  This is a VoiceThread, which students may participate in or you may read the script.

- Activity: Students post and/or add audio, introducing themselves and what they want to get out of the course (20 points)

Lesson 2. Introduction to Colon Cancer
- Information.  Statistics on Colon Cancer prevelance.  (
- Activity: none
- Quiz and feedback (10 points)

Lesson 3 - Importance and Guidelines for Screening
- Information: Reading and audio on colon cancer and prevention -  95% preventable by colonoscopies that remove polyps; recommended for all people 50 and older and if family history, 10 years before 1st incidence of family member
- Activity: On the class blog, post a description of someone or themselves that have had a colonoscopy or colon cancer including details on how this reflects on the importance of screening (20 points)
- Quiz and feedback (10 points)

Lesson 4 - Screening process and Polyp Removal
- Information: There are different methods for screening for colon cancer.  Only one - a colonoscopy can remove polyps before they can grow into cancer.  Other screening methods into Computer Tomographic or virtual colonoscopy; sigmoidoscopy, double-contrast barium enema; digital rectal examination, fecal occult blood test of FOBT; fecal immunochemical test or FIT; and stool DNA or sDNA.
- Information: read-website resource for this assignment is Screening Methods, Colon Cancer Alliance. Download a free copy of Colonoscopy for Dummies
- Activity: Take at least one of these screening methods and indicate or add to the possible advantages and disadvantages in the Wiki - Wiki-colon screening methods
- Quiz and feedback (10 points)

Lesson 5 - Colon Cancer Treatment
The course details for this lesson.

Lesson 6 - Wrap-up
- Activity: Storybird posting (20)
- Quiz and feedback (10)